Best Ab Exercises For Women

Love handles, tires, belly, call them what they are very unsightly and look terrible. Everyone wants to have a flat stomach, but many of us are concerned about these love handles. Belly fat is mainly formed by the deposition of excess fat around the abdominal muscles. This problem is more pronounced in women than men. Losing love handles is certainly a daunting task, because it takes a long time to burn the fat stored around the abdomen. Exercise on a regular basis can help reduce love handles and the following steps to perform some useful flat stomach exercises for women.

        Exercises to get a flat stomach for women
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Alternative knee

AB is the best exercises to get a flat stomach. First, lie on the floor on his buttocks. Keep your legs straight in front of you and keep your upper body, forearms resting on the floor. Balance the weight of the upper body on her elbows. Now tighten your stomach muscles and bring the bend in his left knee. Raise your left leg and try to bring the knee near the shoulder. After that, straighten your left leg and right knee at the same time add up to touch his right shoulder. Keep doing this cyclic motion 15 times.

Cross Crunch

For this exercise, stomach flattening, lie on your back on the floor or exercise mat. Support your head with your hands behind your head. Place your right foot on your left knee and keep your left foot on the floor. Now, lift your upper body off the floor by your shoulders and try to touch the left elbow to your right knee. Do 10 repetitions and more repeat the same for the other side.

Conducting Sit-up

This exercise works great for muscles of the lower abdomen. Lie on the mat exercises on the floor, place your hands behind your head. Keep your back straight, not Tuck your chin and face the ceiling. Now tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold this position for 5 counts, and perform another 10 reps.

The Swiss Ball

You will need a Swiss ball of appropriate size for this exercise. Lie on your back and place on a Swiss ball forward, so that your knees make a right angle. Support your head with your hands behind your head. Now carefully lift the body off the floor and try to reach your right knee to the left elbow. Then slowly return to the ground and touch the left knee with the right elbow. On the other hand, do 10 repetitions for each side.

Reverse Crunches

Reverse crunches are among the most difficult exercises that show effective results. First, lie on your back on an exercise mat and place your hands behind your head. You can place your hands at your sides, parallel to the body. Stretch out your legs and keep your body straight. Then, join your feet and lift both legs in the air. Try to bring the right angle bend at the knees and bring your knees close to your chest, squeezing your abdominal muscles and raise your hips off the floor. Carefully return to the starting position and do 10 more reps.

These are the steps to perform a flat stomach exercises for women. It is recommended that you have to follow a balanced diet along with these exercises. Because, just exercise or diet alone will not help you lose weight. Thus, to incorporate these exercises into your daily routine exercise and get rid of belly Flabs. Good luck!

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