Hip bar pushes
Strength coach Bret Contreras rate barbell hip thrust as one of the best exercises to strengthen the glutes and hip joint. Place an Olympic bar on the floor, legs and slide under it until your hips are directly under the bar. Place a foam pad squatting or wrap a thick towel around the bar, and rest your back on a bench behind you. Bring your hips off the ground so lightly touching the towel or pad on the bar, then push firmly so that the bar leaves the ground and your hips as high as you can get. Pause at the top position for a second, then lower the bar to the floor. Perform five sets of five repetitions on each lower body workout you do.
Band X Walks
X band enters strengthen glutes gluteus muscles, which run along the outer edge of the buttocks.A weak buttock gluteus often plays an important role in the development of overuse injuries.Stand on top of a resistance band with feet together. Keep the ends of the resistance band, and cross your hands on what the band creates a form of X. Take a step back with one leg, then the other leg slowly bring everything to him. Right side steps 10 and 10 then again to the initial position. Do three sets of this in his warm-up before each session.
Raise the buttocks Ham
Glute ham raises the subsequent formation of the hip muscles: glutes, hamstrings and lower back muscles. YPerform them a ham machine buttock augmentation, if available, or use a lat pulldown.Kneel on the seat so as to face away from the machine and secure the heel pad below the leg.With your torso straight, straighten your knees so that your upper body down towards the floor, aim to resist movement by going very slowly. Before reaching the ground, push up to the starting position, using his hands to help. Do three sets of six repetitions with body weight.
Step Up
The quadriceps, buttocks, hamstrings and adductors are all involved in a step up, and play an important role in the function of the hip. Stand in front of a weight bench with your feet flat on the shoulder-width apart. Step with one foot on the bench, and push up with force, so that the other foot is lifted to meet him, and then drop to the floor, one leg at a time. Perform two sets of 12 repetitions with each leg. If you want to step ups harder, heavier dumbbell, barbell or a weighted vest.