What are the benefits of eating fresh red seedless grapes?

Red seedless grapes come in a number of varieties, including Flame, Crimson and blush. When choosing fresh grapes, make sure they are firm and plump, pretty well grouped and firmly to their offspring. Not soft, shriveled or sticky or have brown spots on them. Fresh red seedless grapes can be kept for several days in the refrigerator.Grapes are a gold mine of health, packing a solid dose of nutrients in a very low-calorie package.

Vitamins and Minerals

According to the U.S. Department database of nutrient in agriculture, seedless grapes red and green contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium as well as vitamins A, B6, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid , riboflavin and folic acid.Just one cup of fresh red seedless grapes is 15 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C.

Antioxidant Properties

Vitamin C and selenium are among a number of nutrients found in grapes containing antioxidant properties. Flavonoids are another. Quercetin, a part of the chemical compound that gives the red grape skin color, is a flavonoid. Antioxidants help the body fight the effects of free radicals, byproducts of the digestive processes or pollution. An excess of free radicals can cause oxidative stress and cell damage that can lead to chronic health problems, according to nutritionists Welch.

Heart Health

The fresh grape skin red contains the chemical resveratrol, which studies show helps reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream. Resveratrol also maintain healthy blood flow through arteries, keeping blood fats sticking to the artery walls. This protects against cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack or stroke.

Low in calories

A half cup of fresh seedless red grapes is fat free and only 60 calories. Grapes have no sodium, so they are a good snack option for people with high blood pressure. Eat whole grapes, including the skin, is a better option than drinking grape juice for those watching their weight. The juices tend to have more energy per unit and less filler than the whole fruit, which has more fiber, making it more satisfactory.

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