Strength Routines After Exercise - Aerobic Activities Fitness - Fitness Enthusiasts

Strength Routines After Exercise. For many fitness enthusiasts, fitness centers on aerobic activities such as running, cycling or swimming. These aerobic exercises, however, are only one element of a well-rounded exercise program. To complete the exercise, you can incorporate a routine of strength training after exercise to increase the amount of lean tissue, along with improved strength and muscular endurance, strength and flexibility.


The overall function of a strength routine is to maintain and build muscle at the same time becoming a better athlete through balance and coordination. Ultimately, improving aerobic capacity and exercise training with the ability to generate more energy and strength for running, biking or swimming. Strength training exercises also add variety and interest to your overall fitness program to stay motivated towards achieving your fitness goals.


The equipment used for strength routines after exercise does not require large specialized machines. Basic equipment includes dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands or bars. Resistance bands provide light resistance for beginners, you can use heavier Kettlebells and bars if you have more experience. Use weight machines, if you prefer the control and range of motion guided.


A balanced strength routine after exercise includes exercises for the upper body, lower body and core. Functional exercises upper body resistance include the bench press or shoulder press with dumbbells or weights, and lower body exercises including squats, lunges or deadlifts weighted.Body weight exercises for the upper body are dominated and pushups. Lunges and squats improve lower body strength. Abdominal exercises are essential and crunches.


Choose two or three exercises for each body part and perform three sets of eight to 10 repetitions, the Mayo Clinic recommends. Incorporate strength routine after a period of two to three times a week and allow your muscles to recover at least 24 hours before completing another strength routine. Continually alternating exercises and the muscles used to avoid following a strict pattern. Begin each workout with a total force of the heating and exercise duration vary from 20 to 60 minutes.

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