Nuts also contain fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.
A small amount of nuts is enough to replace one of the snacks during the day.
Most nuts contain a significant amount of potassium, which lowers the risk of stroke and osteoporosis.
Warning: If you eat more than 4 ounces (100 grams) of nuts in a food is not healthy and will not burn fat. Always remember to eat small amounts of each type of food.
Oatmeal was made famous by the studies showing it can reduce blood cholesterol. Oats are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, this is why many athletes and weight trainers to include in your nutrition, digestion slow oatmeal is why, when you eat has stable levels of glucose Blood.
Many people do not like the taste of oatmeal, but this is because they do not know how to prepare it. The best type of oatmeal is normal, unflavored, unsweetened and without any other additives. Why? Because all additives are high in calories and in most cases is not healthy. There is a kind of instant oatmeal, not like this, because it is the process, and it is healthy to eat as unprocessed food.
Oatmeal recipe: Put 6 tablespoons oatmeal (regular guy, in a bowl, add some Greek cheese (not too much), pour boiling water, cover the bowl for 5 minutes and eat.
Olive oil
Olive oil is a magic in your body to burn abdominal fat faster. You need fat to sustain life, but it takes only the good.Olive oil reduces cholesterol levels, provides the necessary fat for hormone synthesis and absorption of vitamins. The benefit of olive oil is its percentage of unsaturated fat - approx. The 70%.
There are different types of olive oil - always check the label of "Extra Virgin Olive Oil". Extra virgin means it is the first time squeezed olive oil.
Vegetables are very good food if you want to burn abdominal fat . They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fresh vegetables have to be your service every day. The fiber in vegetables helps in constipation problems.
Eggs are rich in protein and vitamins, you can find all the vitamins in the egg yolk.
Anyway, if you want to eat only the egg white is very rich in protein. Many weight lifters use egg protein to build muscle.
Lean meat is rich in protein. One of the easiest diets is to eat small amounts of meat 5 times a day with fresh salads.Meat baked is better than fried.
Fish is also rich in protein. Fish oil is famous because it has omega-3 fatty acids. They are important for the immune system and the regulation of blood pressure. Eat fish baked instead of fried.
The yogurt and milk can be one of your daily meals, because you get calcium, protein and carbohydrates in good proportion. Calcium strengthens bones and is a necessary ingredient in every diet. People taking enough calcium lose more weight than people who do not.
Natural milk and yogurt are about 3% fat. Natural foods are better than processed, regular yogurt and milk will not hurt your diet if you take more than one pound (500 grams) per day. For example yogurt containing 500 grams of a 3% fat, this fat no.