How can I lose weight in 2 weeks? Secret Weight Loss Diet. It is possible to start losing weight in two weeks. The system used is different from the normal and low calorie low carb diets.
The truth is that because you are overweight is that eating more calories that your body is using and you are eating at the wrong time of day. It is not true that you are over weight because you're not doing any exercise, although very useful.
Your body needs the right kinds of foods at certain times of the day. If you eat at any time of the day, your body does not use the calories you have eaten, and store them as fat in your body. You can use this knowledge to your advantage and start losing weight by eating the right foods at the right time of day.
How can I lose weight in 2 weeks? What not to do
Eating fewer calories a day will work eventually, but it is not recommended as it will lose the life nutrition. If you go to one of these diets, your body will adjust and burn fewer calories, which is defeating the object.
Low fat diets do not work. In fact, most people who go to the end of this diet putting on weight.
Low carb diet can work, but leaves you so little energy that you will not feel like doing anything.
How can I lose weight in 2 weeks? What to do
After you eat, your brain will trigger the release of fat reduction hormones. In fact, your brain will release hormones that control fat storage. Both hormones are caused by different types of food they eat.
So use this knowledge you are able to eat foods that increase your fat or hormones, burning or reduce fat storage hormones. To increase the effect of this type of diet, you can eat more than three times each day on the right track.
The secret of the diet used is called calorie shifting. The idea is to change the type of calories you eat on a daily basis and hit the body to burn calories you eat. Normally, your body gets used to your eating habits, so you should do the opposite of what your body wants you to eat.
If calories change regularly, your body will never change. The types of foods you eat must be easy to burn calories in them, so that your body can use them and then turn burn fat you have stored in your body.