The truth about belly fat burn. Belly fat burn all want to lose weight quickly, forming our body, health and wellbeing or for sporting purposes.
The Basics of Fat Burning
Energy, energy output . The commonly body burns a mixture of carbohydrates, such as glucose and fat as fuel. How much depends on physical activity, or what have you eaten today?. When using more energy than you take in food and drink, the body begins to burn abdominal fat , carbohydrates and proteins, to boost their daily activities, even if they are not exercising.
That's what happens when people die of hunger, of course, the body begins to eat. Depending on your family history, genetics, how you eat and exercise to create this energy deficit, your body may decide to keep the fall to get your metabolic rate to try to stay in body weight. Some of us seem to have inherited this tendency more than others, whose origin may be in the early stages of human evolution, where feast or famine was more or less the norm.
Glucose, fat and protein . Even so, starvation always works eventually and the body begins to break down its own tissue for fuel. The stored carbohydrates called glycogen are quickly exhausted, then goes the fat stored under the skin and around the internal organs. The proteins in the muscle is torn down to create glucose to keep the brain working and conscientious.
Fat and glucose in the body are two main sources of energy. The fat that you know well, glucose comes mainly from carbohydrate foods like rice, bread, potatoes and protein occurs mainly in meat, beans and dairy products. The blocks are rich in amino acids and proteins can be converted into glucose in emergency situations. Your body always burns a mix of fat and glucose except at very high intensities, and the relationship between fat and abdominal fat burning glucose varies with intensity and time of exercise.
Fat burning zone . You may have noticed that some bikes and treadmills at the gym have an option that says fat burning zone, which implies an adjustment of the intensity or speed. The reason for this is that the body burns a higher percentage of fat at a slower pace (or after about 90 minutes of exercise). The area of fat burning, low intensity area in speed is quite a trick, and here's why.
Although you will lose more weight slowly, you can still burn some fat at a faster rate or intensity. It comes down to the amount of energy you spend as a whole. For example, if one compares the exercise at a slow burning from 60 percent to 40 percent fat and glucose increased intensity or duration which burns only 30 percent fat, and 70 percent glucose, you can still lose more weight to high intensity.
A typical example . Exercise (1) is the 60/40 blend slower and exercise (2) is the fastest, the 30/70 mixture of glucose and fat for fuel.
Walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes - 180 calories used - 108 calories of fat burned.
Running on a treadmill for 30 minutes - 400 calories used - 120 calories of fat burned
You can see in this example that the bottom line is actually the amount of energy you spend, and that is the ultimate measure of fat burning. The theory is mostly a convenient myth.
Weight training Is it better or not?
Muscle burns more fat . The weight training is increasingly recommended as a weight loss tool because some experts say extra energy muscles burn more body fat at rest, so they develop more muscle and get more muscle than before, must burn more energy and more stored fat as a result. This is true and it has been demonstrated in metabolic studies. However, the differences are not as dramatic, perhaps less than a few tens of calories per day per pound of muscle increased, for most people.
Does that mean that you should not worry about weight training?Of course not, because weight training has many other health benefits and performance as well as burn abdominal fat faster, not least of which is extra muscle. It's just that this advantage has been somewhat exaggerated and we have to get this right in order to develop the best software to burn abdominal fat and performance.
Get a hangover . Well, extra muscle so it does not provide much benefit, but what about the hangover? The hangover is the amount of energy you use after you stop exercising, has been promoted as an important slimming. If you can get a hangover, which is really another way of saying that increases your metabolism for several hours or longer after a particular exercise, then that's a bonus, because you will burn abdominal fat during exercise and after leaving to. The fun never stops!
However, this idea has recently been reconsidered too. An article published in the Journal of Sports Science reported that despite some promising early studies of this effect, the idea has not proven to be as useful as previously thought.
Exercise scientists call this hangover effect EPOC, which stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. The authors say that the high intensities necessary, more than 75 percent of maximum heart rate, are probably beyond what most people want to lose weight you can face in sustained exercise. So the advantage of lifting weights or running fast is there, but you have to be able to sustain the intensity, which means a lot of hard work. There are no secrets.
We also need to consider the amount of fuel that is used preferentially according to how your body stores. After doing a vigorous workout or long, blood and muscle glucose will be much smaller than before. So after hard exercise that uses a large amount of glucose, the body switches to burning fat. That's why all energy expenditure is important, not only burn abdominal fat during exercise.
Strength training has many great things going for it, increased strength, more muscle, body shape, better balance, bone density and improved functionality in all facets of human movement. But let's be honest, we all have cardio aerobic workout too. It has its own set of important functional benefits including general fitness, elastic arteries, the heart and increased lung function and lower blood pressure to name a few benefits.
Running at 8 minutes a mile pace (5 min / km) - burn 852 calories (kcal)
Weightlifting vigorous, free or machines - burn 409 calories (kcal)
However, the numbers always give the same result with any energy calculator reputable. Sustained aerobics always spends about twice the power of lifting weights in a similar comparison. You can see from this why cardio sessions are important to burn abdominal fat.
Should I exercise before breakfast to burn abdominal fat on a larger scale?
The answer is "not necessarily" because even though you are going to remove an empty stomach waist ultimately, this is probably going to make much difference, because the power consumption, expenditures and balances metabolism, are or so during the period of 24 hours. What really matters is the total energy consumption and expenditures, ie, how much you eat and how much exercise and movement in general.
However, stay tuned to this because until it is re-evaluated scientifically manipulation meal timing is not certain that help to burn abdominal fat. One thing that seems clear is that people who eat breakfast maintain weight better and lose fat faster, so do not skip breakfast.
The best strategy to burn abdominal fat faster
So where are we in our project with fat burning? Here is a summary.
Increase muscle mass. E l Weight training helps burn more energy at rest, if only a little. This is known as the resting metabolic rate or RMR muscle. Also extra muscle burns more fat in active phase, the active metabolic rate if you like, or RAM, so you have more muscle and will definitely help burn more energy and lose weight.
Lifting heavier weights . Exercise should be vigoros weights, with the number of repetitions to stay in the bottom half of the range of 8 to 12 RM. To remind you, the RM is the repetition maximum, which means the more weight you can lift for this number of repetitions before fatigue. The 12/08 is within a range that should provide greater strength and muscle growth, called hypertrophy.
If you go higher than that, say 15 to 20 reps a set, or more, will be within the range that would probably be better to do cardio, because the return on effort, energy to burn, you better spend it jogging, cycling or rowing. In that number of reps will not build much muscle, so much training high repetition weight has a minimum value.
Aerobic Exercise. Considering the amount of energy you would use in an hour of any type of exercise, weights or cardio, you should do some aerobic or cardiovascular consistent weight loss.
Try high intensity cardio . The high-intensity exercise, even if only in short bursts, can speed up metabolism and get that fat mobilized follow the post-exercise period. Do some high intensity too, but do not overdo it, because burn abdominal fat is a long term project. A group exercise program, could match this requirement and also would encourage you to go faster, but with the option to reduce the speed if necessary.
Weights and Cardio Circuit Training Programs
The combination of weights and cardio in a circuit interval session is also an excellent approach to burn abdominal fat faster. The circuits of weights are based on the idea of mixing weights and high and low intensity cardiovascular circuit.