Since these scars or stretch marks go together with the process of pregnancy, usually unavoidable and therefore it is difficult to find a solution which seeks to prevent scarring during the gestation period.
Human skin includes the outer layer of the epidermis, the dermis layer and subcutaneous internal. The dermis is the layer that helps the skin to retain its shape and pregnancy stretch marks appear in the dermis as a result of excessive stretching and sudden weight gain. splines on e l pregnancy may occur in the breast, belly , thighs, arms and anywhere where fat tends to accumulate.
Within treatments for stretch marks red or white, there are many lotions to get rid of these skin tags. These creams contain vitamin C and vitamin E, which moisturizes the skin. However, it is unclear whether these creams completely remove stretch marks can, although that is no guarantee that can be used to fade the appearance of lines.While home remedies are not harmful, you should consult your doctor if you are breastfeeding or are pregnant.
This stimulation makes your skin regularly is stronger, healthier and more resilient, ensuring that is better equipped to deal with stress and the pressures of body shape changes.
Stretch marks in pregnancy vary depending on the skin tone of the woman. The skinned women can have red streaks, while dark-skinned women have stretch marks that are slightly lighter than the skin tone. eliminate stretch marks is not easy , although there are a breakthrough in preventing creams streaks that will help a lot in reducing the visibility of stretch marks in pregnancy .
Like regular creams, creams for pregnant women are composed of ingredients that enhance the production of collagen for skin preparation for significant expansion during pregnancy. Collagen is extremely important in adding flexibility and elasticity to the skin and this helps to combat the development of stretch marks effectively.
If you want to have beautiful skin, even if you are pregnant and you want to find ways to prevent or eliminate red or white stretch marks during pregnancy , you have to keep in mind some simple tips to help. Even if you have dry skin, is important to moisturize the skin, especially during the first months of pregnancy. 's cocoa butter creams and other oils can help hydrate your skin and allow it to be more resilient during stretching.