Why diets do not work for weight loss? Dieting food is so popular in the last 10 years it is estimated that about 70 percent of the adult female population and 30 percent of all adult males have been in a.
Not seem to matter whether it's the Atkins diet or liquid diet, people will try almost anything in their frantic desire to lose weight.
Unfortunately, the results are usually the same. Although diets do not produce results in the short term, very few dieters maintain their weight loss, no matter what the diet is attempted.
Worse than that, most people who diet end up with more weight than you had before you start dieting. So, why diets do not work?
How to lose weight is not an easy task
Most diets involve a significant change in normal eating habits of a person for an extended period of time. But habits die hard, we cling to them, as it fits with our lifestyle and the people around us.
And change something that is second nature to us very often results in stress, especially if the change is contrary to the customs of the social world and our family.
The effective diet is also difficult because it depends on our willingness to keep on the right track.
Willpower is often very hard to start a diet when you are desperate for change, but can come and go with the state of our health, pressures and triggers of everyday life.
Effective Dieters rarely think rehearse how they will manage in difficult situations, like eating out with friends, but only hope their willpower is maintained and punish themselves if not.
Willpower is difficult to maintain for long periods of time, especially if our dietary rules are too strict.
There is also the danger that when we feel like we have made some progress in our diet, we become less inclined to get through the fight to restrict food.
So the diet is difficult because people have not learned the difference between willpower and commitment to change the long-term behavior.
Diets go hungry
Research shows that no matter what your size, starving diets and cravings powerful to create the same foods you are trying to avoid, for example, sugar and fat.
In addition to these cravings, diet must also effectively manage feelings of deprivation: "Everyone can eat what I'm not allowed." Why I can not eat me? This type of thinking can lead to overeating and weight loss will not get.
Dieters with expiration
An effective diet only works for as long as you're at it. Most people get bored with rigid eating plans and go from time to time, this will prevent weight loss.
The problem is that for many people a lapse is a sign of failure. They themselves say they have burned the experience and feelings of inadequacy.
The extinction becomes a slippery slope and end up eating anything that they are not allowed and will start tomorrow think again.
These people go from diet to diet, hoping to find the one that prevents them from failing. But this diet does not exist, and may end up getting fatter every time they try.
Diets do not take into account the emotional aspect of overeating
People often eat to help deal with emotional problems, and not because they are hungry.
This is normal, but some people gain weight because they turn to food for emotional comfort or to cope with negative feelings like anger or loss, for example, after a bad day at work, after a fight with a loved one or as an end of a long week.
Dieting does not solve the problem of emotional eating. In any case, it makes people feel more depressed because it becomes one of the problems caused by overeating.
And losing weight can make things worse, because people have to deal with the pressures and expectations of their new body shape.
The effective dieters usually fail to change their basic habits
The only people who manage to lose weight and manage to keep it are those who make permanent changes in your own diet, exercise habits, and those of their families.
People too often dieters often say or think things like: "When thin'll never overeat" or "When I lose weight get out to celebrate and I'm going to eat a cream cake," or Why should I get my family to change their eating habits because I'm on a diet, if you want me to lose weight?
Too often, eating habits over time will crawl again, no matter if it has lost a lot of weight, it will eventually find yourself back at the starting point.
Lifestyle, not diets
In a world full of temptations, is laudable to want to have a healthy weight and control your eating. However, as we know the diet is not the way to do it.
For long-term weight loss, there are many things that need to change, not just your eating habits.