Causes Of Abdominal Fat. The overweight affects a large percentage of the population. Several factors contribute to accumulate fat in the stomach. Excessively accumulate weight around the waist increases the risk of disease. You can lose belly fat and maintain a healthy weight. But before you can achieve a slimmer figure, you must identify the cause of abdominal fat.
Your body stores fat to insulation, and to keep on hand a reserve of energy. Fat is the only type of fuel that your body can store virtually unlimited which is distributed throughout the body by the proportions established on the basis of sex and genetic predisposition; fat weight is gained and lost in accordance with their terms of personal body fat distribution.
Your metabolism is the rate to burn fat and calories. Some people have a fast metabolism, so they can eat whatever they want and not gain any weight. On the other hand, a slow metabolism means you burn fat at a slower pace, and is more likely to accumulate extra kilos, especially in the abdomen.
Hormonal causes
One of the causes of overweight is the hormone neuropeptide Y (NPY). When produced in the brain, experiencing hunger. BBC News reported on research conducted by Lawson Health Research Institute in Canada found that NPY is also present in the fat in the abdomen, where it encourages the production of fat cells.
The effects of aging
A major cause of excessive weight gain is aging, including decreased physical activity, increased waist, a change in weight distribution and a slower metabolism. All these are more prevalent in women than in men, and become evident after menopause.
Unhealthy eating habits
The poor food choices is a top cause of overweight. Certain foods are high in fat, and tend to gain weight around the waist. These include fried foods, fast food, sugary drinks (soda and juice) and junk food. Refined carbohydrates or carbohydrates make slow digestion and increase the accumulation of excess weight in the belly. In addition, excess fat in the stomach increases with alcohol, because alcohol decreases the body's ability to lose abdominal fat .
Regular exercise
Lack of physical activity contributes to being overweight. Some people, especially men and older people accumulate fat in the abdomen. Due to inactivity, the body is able to burn the stored fat, resulting in a larger stomach.
Reduce Stress
The extreme stress and anxiety help overweight. When under stress, the body releases high levels of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland, and affects the distribution of fat. An increase of this hormone is increased appetite results. Therefore, it is more likely to consume extra calories. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the calories are converted to fat, therefore are generally deposited in the belly.
Body fat measurement
According to a 2006 study by obesity researcher, Dr. M. Arya Sharma of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, the body mass index (BMI) is no longer considered the best way to measure body fat, for example, does not take into account differences in age. Computed tomography (CT ) or a tape measure around the waist more accurately determine the amount of internal abdominal fat.
Women who have reached the age of menopause are more likely to be overweight, because their bodies begin to store fat mostly around the waist. Drugs such as steroids and prescription pills cause fluid retention. Fluid retention often occurs around the abdomen, and the victims seem to have the fat in the belly. Living with a chronic gastrointestinal problem can cause sluggish digestion and accumulation of fat in the abdomen .
Fat Types
Of the two types of body fat, subcutaneous, ie under the skin, is the most easy to remove, but also the more visible.From the perspective of a woman, not only more prone to subcutaneous fat around the thighs, buttocks and hips, they also have to fight visceral fat in the belly area.
Visceral fat, much harder to get rid of, it's easier to hide, since it is located around the organs in the peritoneal cavity, but also has much greater health risk. Subcutaneous fat acts as a cushion to our bodies, as well as an energy store.Therefore, the body requires a certain amount of grease to function properly. The problem is commonly executes an excessive accumulation of fat tissue which becomes unpleasant and hazardous to health.
Not only that, the skin shows evidence of scars or stretch marks, when the pressure is too low to contain fatty tissue. The skin has a component normal elasticity, but like when a pregnant woman develops stretch marks on the abdomen , a body carrying too much fat can react the same way. This happens especially when the skin is stretched too quickly.
Unlike subcutaneous fat , which is mainly just below the skin, there is a much more dangerous type of fat to consider visceral fat. This type of fat is in the nooks and crannies of the abdomen and creates deep cellulitis deep fatty tissue covering organs and arteries clotting. no doubt you've heard of belly and beer belly.
This installs visceral fat in the abdominal cavity, especially around the liver, and can cause a bulge quite remarkable if ignored. Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets are the main culprits of this type of fat overload, therefore a review of lifestyle and a balanced diet is the most convenient to eliminate this problem.
Let's first talk about the dangers of visceral fat.
Because it is located in the abdominal area, including major organs can be sure that is also affecting your overall health.
We know that the heart is a muscle and we know that the heart has to beat so we can live. But if the blood pumping is deficient because the arteries are clogged by fat and cholesterol, the heart is not working properly.
This opens the door to a lot of heart complications, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and a lot of cardiovascular drugs prescribed to counteract the damage. And that's not the whole problem. has also the possibility that type 2 diabetes as the liver, which is trying to figure out what to do with all this fat, triggers an insulin resistance. So now you have a lot of potential cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and we will complete the list with an overabundance of cholesterol.
Now we know exactly why you need to avoid excess visceral fat, let's look at what we could be doing to promote it . If any of these affects your life, you could be subjecting your body to this excess and dangerous complications:
Sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise)
Drinker (more than 2 drinks daily)
Unbalanced diet (high fat, mostly)
High levels of stress (long term)