Best Home Work Fatout Program For Weight Loss Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. "If you push yourself physically intensive, energy expenditure increases significantly - up to 15 times the basal metabolic rate," says Nicolas Wirtz, sports scientists at the Institute of Training Science and Sport computer science at the German Sport University in Cologne. So you burn more calories. However, the energy of a certain sporting intensity is rather provided by carbohydrates. Experts therefore maintain the normal movement in everyday life - based on the weight loss - for at least as effective as sports and say: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, get off a tram stop out earlier, you potter in the house and garden. We provide in our gallery on some typical daily activities, which by the way you reduce calories. The actual consumption varies from person to person. "Women burn fewer calories on average than men," said Wirtz. Women have less muscle mass, are usually smaller and lighter, so her body does not need so much energy. "If you climb stairs or walk uphill hanging calorie consumption among other things on the pitch and tempo from your "Wirtz says. The values thus serve as a guide.