Cheap Weight Loss Meal Delivery-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. Green tea, maté, Lapacho and Pu-erh tea every now and then advertised as "fat killer" - as well as coffee. Supposedly stimulate the ingredients to the formation of heat in the body, increase energy consumption and accelerate fat loss. Various researchers have adopted the theme: In fact, there is evidence that substances such as caffeine and tannins from green tea affect fat burning. "But there are only indications, scientific evidence in humans are still lacking," said Professor Andreas Pfeiffer, internist at the Charité Berlin and head of the Department of Clinical Nutrition, German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam-Rehbruecke. Most findings are based on laboratory experiments, scientists have also widely used plant extracts or ingredients isolated in high concentration. Even nutritionists Riedl says that "the effects are minimal and you would have to drink this much coffee or tea." This again is not necessarily healthy, because caffeine can cause a certain amount to unpleasant side effects such as palpitations and tremors.