Cheap Weight Loss Help-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. that older people often feed on a low flame, is a widespread problem. Although the caloric needs of older people is lower than in the young. However, many seniors do not come to their target. At the same time, for example, need more calcium and vitamin D. Many seniors tend several reasons for malnutrition: The dental status is often poor, and the denture is not always good. Loneliness sells the appetite, decreasing sense of taste or swallowing disorders do the rest. Loss of function - from seeing to Go - complicate the essentials, such as shopping. But cooking and washing are often perceived as physically demanding. In addition to medication, be it for your heart, be it for joint pain, hit on the stomach. The pace is slow digestion, saturation occurs earlier, so many older people can simply dining out. Not least age poverty often forces to save. Exacerbating the tendency to malnutrition yet. Particularly the elderly often suffer from diseases, which in turn often dampen the appetite: heart failure, obstructive pulmonary diseases (see above), depression, debilitating diseases such as cancer. Not so rare is also a Altershyperthyreose (see above under point 1 , hyperthyroidism). A poor nutritional status but not only reduces the quality of life but is generally associated with a shorter life expectancy. It also weakens the resistance. Diseases can be complication-prone. Already a BMI of "only" 24 kg / m 2 individuals should regularly control body weight. Concrete action is needed at BMI values less than / equal to 20 kg / m 2 (see above) or from 2 kg in weight loss in a short time. The nutritional therapy draws on several levels: individually arranged, of energy and vitality-rich material suppliers normal diet, drinking supplementary nutrition, tube feeding, artificial feeding. The doctor will tailor the approach with stakeholders, relatives, carers and supervising dieticians. 5 Mental illness at least about one-tenth of all concerned turns out to be a mental disorder cause of unintentional weight loss. It involves both depression, on the other hand to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. depression: Meanwhile, one in twenty German citizens affected by a depressive disorder, women are affected twice as often as men. Because on the one hand, many patients shy away from oneself to a doctor, on the other hand, the symptoms are often very diverse, not to say misleading, the diagnosis is often made only belatedly. Frequently in the beginning are general symptoms that follow a heavy load, but can occur even without specific cause: headaches , fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia , loss of appetite. The latter can hold stubbornly and so also pull a weight loss by itself. To the psychological symptoms include lethargy or increased, irritable busyness, guilt, disorders of the mind, feelings of worthlessness and depressed mood. someone with depression can rely on effective therapies. Refer to the guide "depression".