Online Weight Loss Program Australia-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. Adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease, Addison's disease): The adrenal glands make vital hormones for blood salt and energy balance such as aldosterone and cortisol. Not throw them out enough hormones - and there are many possible causes - primarily the result of low blood pressure and tendency to collapse. The patients also lose weight and dry out. Often, they also suffer from lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea. For heavy loads it may even shock or coma-like states come to crisis. Striking, is a brown skin tone. More on disorders of the adrenal and pituitary glands read each of the guidebook "appetite", section: "Metabolic and hormonal diseases" . autoimmune diseases: Here is immune suddenly active against certain structures in the body: It seems they as hostile to. Why this is so, it is so far unclear. Being safe is simply that there are hereditary factors. The autoimmune reactions cause inflammation - often in multiple organs, including the joints. Therefore, these diseases are also expected to systemic diseases. Examples of autoimmune disorders that are associated with weight loss, the rheumatoid arthritis that Polymalgia rheumatica, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Wegener's granulomatosis. Among the former two diseases you can find more details in the guide "appetite", section "autoimmune diseases". SLE is a connective tissue disease, rheumatoid to the so-called collagen diseases. This leads to inflammatory changes and deposits of immune material in the skin and connective tissue of the vessels. Women are affected more often than men, mostly of childbearing age. cardinal symptoms are muscle and joint pain , as well as butterfly-shaped skin redness in the face ("dog-faced", hence the name "lupus erythematosus" for the disease., the Latin word for wolf is lupus erythematosus for redness comes from the Greek). There are however also general symptoms such as fever, weight loss, physical weakness, excessive hair loss, and sometimes swollen lymph glands . Heart, lungs, kidneys and the central and peripheral nervous system may also contract with. Wegener's granulomatosis is a vasculitis (technical term: vasculitis). It takes place in small and medium-sized vessels mainly from the respiratory tract. Doctors distinguish between different stages. From the nose to the throat to the lungs of each section of the airways may be affected. then develop at the appropriate places inflammatory nodules (granulomas) from which small, bleeding ulcers can form. Makes itself felt, for example, with the bloody borkigem cold , bloody sputum, deformation of the nose to Gewebeeinschmelzung. General symptoms include fever, weight loss, night sweats . If the disease spreads to other organs, such as brain or kidney ( symptom here: blood in the urine ), it can be life threatening. With intensive therapy that targets the immune system and pathogens involved, the doctor holds depending on the stage and disease activity targeted against it.