Online Weight Loss Program Comparison Program-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best.Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism): As a result of the overactive thyroid gland produces too much of its hormone thyroxine, T4 short. In the blood, it is particularly important for the metabolism of the second thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). It stimulates many processes in the body that increases energy consumption. The "overheating" can trigger a variety of symptoms. These can also be taking thyroid hormones or in the early stages of immunological thyroiditis (so-called autoimmune or Hashimoto's Thryreoiditis ) occur when the gland temporarily increased produces thyroid hormone. Symptoms: Despite a good appetite, sometimes even hot hunger, remove the person concerned. Heat intolerance, tremor, nervousness, and various eye problems among the possible symptoms. Diarrhea may also interfere with the intestinal absorption and increase the energy shortage. Among older people, the hyperthyroidism is one of the most common causes of unintentional weight loss . Typical of then may present Altershyperthyreose is that these otherwise but rather extends few symptoms. On the other hand, are at the forefront associated symptoms such as loss of strength, rapid pulse and shortness of breath even at low load. These symptoms may indicate an overactive heart associated with the weakness of. If you click the click Post "hyperthyroidism", learn further details about this disease and the diagnostic and treatment options . pheochromocytoma: pheochromocytomas are rare, mostly benign tumors of a specific hormone-producing tissue in the adrenal glands or nerve ganglia near the spine out. The tumors arise up to a quarter of certain hereditary diseases, otherwise spontaneously. They belong to the sympathetic nervous system and are also called "neuroendocrine". Thus, a combination of nervous and hormonal meant. In fact, these tumors secrete hormones. Messengers of the sympathetic nervous system such as adrenaline and noradrenaline This leads to symptoms such as severe, persistent high blood pressure, which can derail even crisis-ridden, very pale skin and weight loss. Mainly because of increased metabolism and increased energy consumption are to blame. Sudden increases in blood pressure, such as beta-blockers that can sometimes occur even after taking blood pressure-lowering agents that cause heart palpitations, headache, profuse sweating, restlessness and tremors. Sometimes also there is abdominal pain that can be felt up to the edges. Guides More in "Hypertension" in the chapter "Diagnostics 2" ("Secondary hypertension") .