Affordable Weight Loss Eating Plan-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best.Although each step walk brings something, makes only a slimming sports represents the other component is diet. Visceral adipose tissue is more sensitive to changes in eating habits than the subcutaneous fat, writes the German Society for Nutrition. So who supplies fewer calories causes the body prefers to tap into the energy storage in the abdomen. Fewer calories means, above all, less fat and eat quickly digestible carbohydrates. Instead, plenty of fruit and vegetables, which contain not only vitamins also the fiber. The healthy substances are also found in whole-grain bread. In contrast, white bread stuck mainly quickly digestible sugars that do not satisfy for long. In addition: Around half to two liters of water a day, if there is nothing medically. Gerlach, who also sits on the board of the German Obesity Society, proposes initially to create a food diary. "It very often helps to list what one eats," says the nutritionist. Based on the list can reveal, for example, high-calorie dishes. Then it holds that food "easier" to make. Anyone who is overweight and manages to slim down in a healthy way five to ten kilograms, the health benefit enormous. Because the risk of dangerous cardiovascular diseases and diabetes decreases significantly.