Most Effective Online Weight Loss Program-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best. Weight, age, household energy If someone receives less calories than it needs, he loses weight. This happens even when the power supply unchanged, the energy demand or consumption, however, increased. The calories or food energy, short hereinafter referred to as energy, sourced from the main nutrients, so the energy suppliers carbohydrates, fats and protein. From the age of 30, the energy requirement normally (BMR see also below) decreases slowly. In turn, the body weight gradually increases - at least for those who maintain their eating habits or even increased eating, and are probably the most. Women experiencing hormonal related to the menopause with weight again a certain amount of thrust. From 65 years of slow growth trend reversed in both sexes around again. Elderly people can lose significant weight. Sometimes they even get into a state of malnutrition. underweight shortens life expectancy, regardless of the cause. To deficiency or malnutrition occurs when the body a long time too little nutrients and micronutrients such as vitamins , minerals and trace elements obtained. Then deficiency symptoms develop, and in various organs, it can cause malfunction. Pallor, fatigue, reduced performance, in women of childbearing age, a missed period, oral mucosal inflammation, muscle weakness, heart and circulatory problems, tendency to dizziness and fainting are just a few examples.