Cheap Weight Loss Body Wraps-Review-Work Fat-Program-Guide-Best.Weight Watchers When Weight Watchers principle every food is assigned a number of points. Who wants to slim down, every day must not exceed a certain score. If someone like his points tally filled with chocolate chips and a rib or rather with lush fruit and vegetable meals, in principle, does not matter, because there are no prohibitions. "However, a healthy diet and exercise are the goal," adds Gahl. The Weight Watchers program is a group program: Whoever wants to can meet regularly with other participants and a group leader and talk about success or failure. Although the group leader are not always trained dieticians, but Gahl expert is convinced of the Weight Watchers program: "It aims at a long-term diet with a balanced, reduced-calorie mixed diet that supplies the body with all the nutrients." The diet is only the first step Whether you are an avid meat eater and therefore prefer the Atkins diet, or if you notice the slimming down easier in the group - the pounds fall of each diet. But with so many is the new slim line unfortunately does not last and the lost kilos tedious quickly sit on the hips. Who wants to break the endless cycle of dieting and yo-final, for which there is therefore only one thing: A permanent change in diet and sports !