Exercise Routines To Follow - Full Body Workout - Aerobic

If you have a gym membership or workout at home, it can be difficult to know how best to fill the time allotted for the exercise, if you do not have a fixed structure for that.However, you can do more than any other exercise if you choose an area of ​​interest for her, either aerobic or strength work full body workout and plan your entire routine around that goal.

A full body routine should include elements of strength, aerobic and flexibility exercises, such as the American Council on Exercise recommends. It begins with a brief warm-up cardio and light dynamic stretching, moving arms, walking in place and run or make a move smooth jump rope for about a minute. Then, will direct the exercises for each muscle group, such as the hips and midsection, arms, leg

Full Body Workout

s, back and chest. Choose your favorite moves of each group, such as rows, presses, increases or calisthenics. Do 6-12 repetitions of each exercise, and when finished, repeat the above circuit, before cooling down with static stretching.

Explosion aerobic

If your goal is to get your heart rate and burn calories, you may want to make your routine more aerobic. Vigorous aerobic activity burns more calories than strength training, an hour of jogging burns about 600 calories for a 160-pound person, but when the weight lifting burns only about 220 calories. For this session of aerobic cycling, jogging, running on a treadmill or walking briskly for 20 to 30 minutes and then spend 10 to 20 minutes doing aerobic exercises that incorporate the upper body, as well as mountain climbers , board or jumping jacks.

Strength Training

Improves strength and power is a prime target for the year, and comes with great benefits.Regular sessions of strength training will increase endurance, strengthen bones and muscles, helps control weight and relieve pain or other chronic conditions. After a short warm-up, do one or two sets of push-ups, rows, lateral raises, chest presses, pushups, squats, lunges, deadlifts, crunches and oblique twists. Finish with a cool down.


Before starting any new exercise routine, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to make sure you are not putting your health at risk by participating, especially if you are obese or suffer from a chronic illness. For best results, stick to a regular schedule with your routine. ACE suggests the development of a minimum of 90 minutes a week, spread over three sessions. But if you're trying to lose weight, you probably need to do more activity.

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