Routine chest exercises - Strength training help - Power Push-ups

Routine chest exercises. Strength training helps to increase the size of the chest muscles. There are many ways to exercise, such as weight or the weight of his own body. A combination of isolation exercises and full body-to strengthen the entire body, not just the chest, suggesting Juan Carlos Santana, director of the Human Performance Institute. Train three days a week and is given at least 24 hours of rest between workouts.

Power Push-ups
Place your hands on the ground about shoulder width, leg and put a little away from their toes. Lower your body and hips together, almost touching the ground. Squeeze your abs and quickly exacted so your hands do not touch the ground. Keep the arms straight with hands off the ground. The land in the hands and bend your elbows to reduce the impact, and immediately lose another push-up. Perform 10 to 12 reps as fast as you can for three sets.

Standing Cable Chest Fly
Adjust the height of the column of the machine cable to the top of the shoulders. Face away from the machine, and grab a handle in each hand. Stand with one leg in front of the other. Tighten your abdominal muscles and pull your arms together in front of his chest from a position of open arms. Hold the contraction for a second, and lose weight at the rate of three seconds until you feel tightness in your chest. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions for three sets.

Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Stand about 5-6 feet away from a wall with one leg in front of the other. Keep a 6 - or 8 pounds.medicine with both hands. Bend your knees slightly and push against the floor. Throw the ball against the wall in front of your chest and catch it. Perform 10 to 16 shots as fast as possible. Keep your torso upright. Use a heavier ball if you want to build strength and power, but reduces their representatives of six to 10 repetitions, Cook suggests, physical therapist Gray, author of Athletic Body in Balance. Use a lighter ball if you want to develop speed and agility, and perform 12 to 20 repetitions.

Stability Ball Chest Stretch
Sit on the top of a stability ball and slowly lay on his back and head on top of it. Spread your arms and let gravity pull your arms toward the floor. Hold the stretch in your chest and abs for five or six deep breaths. Sit back up and two more installments.

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