How To Get 8 Pack Abs

Many men (and women) who have the desire to push their level of fitness to the limit, where not many people can say that they are. I'm talking about getting an 8-pack. If you are fitness enthusiast, then you know what I mean. Chiselled and very toned abs look, no one can forget. You go to the beach without a shirt, and women all around you eyes with joy. With these amazing results from strangers, all the hard work definitely paid off. So I guess your question is - how to get the 8-pack. Let me warn you, there is no quick way to achieve this goal, and not the labels should be applied (if you find any). Your body must be thoroughly trained and must follow specific guidelines.

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Now, perhaps some believers who claim to get 8 pack in 2 weeks. Well, this is possible if you are in the particular design of the body at this point. Do not get me wrong, getting 8 package can be in 2 weeks. But the question here is not changed. Now, with the proper training and guidance of a fitness instructor, it is possible. If you are already in the press and the rest of the body, you have the meat, and the body more toned stomach, it may be possible. But do not expect to go from no abs to 8 packets. It's just wishful thinking. I'm not here to discourage you or anything. But the fact is, this process is difficult, the road can be challenging for some, but it is certainly doable. And you will find the answers to get firm abs after reading the rest of this article.

Exercises to get 8 updates

My advice on how you can get an 8 pack will be in intensive exercises that focus on the core muscles. The fact is, during the exercise at the press on a regular basis, you can easily get 6 pack abs. Thus, reaching the 8 pack lighter (compared to non-abs). So, if you're not working on your abdominal muscles, however, need to start now. First concentrate on the 6 pack, and then you can make plans for the achievement of the final two. And when you reach this position, here are some exercises that will help you get there.

Hanging leg raises

* Stand a sliding bar and grab it with both hands.

* Keep your legs straight, feet touching each other and relax.

* Your hands will be a little wider at shoulder width. Now inhale.

* At the time of expiration, you lift both legs and bend your knees.

Take the legs so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a second or two.

* Return to starting position and lightly touch the floor.

* At 3 to 4 sets of 15 repetitions. You can increase the intensity by raising the leg all the way up the thigh and bringing closer to her chest.


* These squats are a little different. Place an exercise mat on the floor and lie down.

* Bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor. Place a weight on your chest and hold his hands.

* Slowly, you lift your upper body and keep your lower body still. As you do this, cut the abdominal muscles.

* Stop when you reach 45 degrees from the floor. Hold this position as long as you do not have.

* Return to the original position when you feel tense. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times a week and do 10 reps.

'V' Crunches

* Keep exercise mat on the floor and sit on it. In this exercise, your body will look like a "V" shape.

* Keep your abdominal muscles contract and lift both legs up.

* At 45 degrees, hold hands and feet in front of you.

* Keep your arms straight and try to touch your shins. To do this, your hips should be firmly on the floor.

* Hold this position for 10 seconds (or as much as you can).

* Issue and return to starting position. Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a week, 10 repetitions.

8 Tips to get updates

Tip number 1 - Along with the basic exercises mentioned above, you also need to allow time for aerobic exercise. This is because if you keep the focus only on your abdominal muscles, your body can become lazy and bored. In order to get those chiseled 8 packages, reduce overall body fat below 10%. Only then will you be able to get the final 2 packs to flaunt. Thus, 3 to 5 times a week, the schedule of the session from 20 to 30 minutes. You can go to the gym for this, or work outdoors.

Tip number 2 - Also, watch what you eat and drink. Proper diet for ABS to be followed in order to get your body to react to all that strenuous exercise. And do not forget to sleep well at night. This does not mean that you sleep for 8 to 10 hours a week and work like a maniac in the gym. No, this is not how it works. Make sure that you sleep until midnight and have a bright and early start.

Tip number 3 - Last, but certainly not least, get a personal trainer to help you. With their special guide for your workout routine and nutrition, you can reach your goals faster. You'll have someone motivating you when desperately needed. And it is a great self-esteem booster when someone out there rooting for you and wants you to reach your fitness goals.

Thus, you can get an 8-pack? If you follow the eight pack workout routine, have a strong will power, an intense desire to achieve desired goals and stick to the Council referred to in the article, you can do all your heart and mind desires. We gave the answer of how to get 8 pack quickly. Now it is your responsibility to see it through. Good luck!

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