I can eat fresh fruit if I have diabetes? Sugars and refined carbohydrates

I can eat fresh fruit if I have diabetes? A healthy diet includes a balance of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains and dairy.
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This is true for people with and without diabetes. Although fruit contains sugar, your body does not process as fast as does the simple sugars and refined carbohydrates. So, although you may have to make changes in your diet to accommodate diabetes can include fruits and foods from all food groups in your daily eating plan.
If you have diabetes and are wondering whether or not you can eat fresh fruit, the answer, according to the American Diabetes Association, is an enthusiastic yes. The fruit contains essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the fresh fruit sugar is unlikely that the peaks in blood sugar levels. This is because fresh fruit contains natural sugar instead of processed and refined sugars, and has a low glycemic index. Foods with low glycemic index does not have a strong effect on the levels of blood sugar, so help your blood sugar remain stable and within a healthy range. In general, a diet for diabetes should avoid simple carbohydrates sugar high glycemic index. Fortunately for lovers of fruit, fresh fruit is a complex carbohydrate with a low glycemic index.
The fresh fruit fiber can be beneficial to managing your diabetes. Fiber-rich foods such as fresh fruits, can help maintain healthy levels of blood sugar. Fiber slows the absorption of sugar in your body, so your blood sugar does not rise too high, too fast. In addition, fiber can help lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol.The health benefits of fiber to be particularly important for people with diabetes, since, according to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes sufferers have a higher risk of heart disease, hypertension and stroke than those with diabetes.
Best Fruits and Vegetables
Most fresh fruit healthy for people with diabetes are berry or citrus family. The American Diabetes Association lists the berries and citrus fruits as two of the 10 healthiest foods to include in your diet for diabetes. The berries are rich in fiber and contain many vitamins and antioxidants. Citrus fruits are full of fiber and vitamin C. You can also include fruits with edible seeds and edible skin on a diet for diabetes. Kiwifruit is an example of a healthy fruit with edible seeds, while pears are an example of the fruits with edible skins healthy.
Canned, dried or in juice is likely to rank higher on the glycemic index of fresh fruit. The maturity of a fruit also affects its glycemic index score. The more mature fruit, classification higher glycemic index. Nuts, fruit juice and canned fruit may contain added sugar. You can also eat frozen fruit, but check to see if it contains added sugar.


You can eat fresh cranberries uncooked?

You can eat fresh cranberries uncooked? Cranberries grow on vines in wetlands and mature in September and November. These berries are nutritious North American native. The Cranberries nutrient supply powerful antioxidants that protect your health. While cranberries are well known in the version served with cooked Thanksgiving dinner, raw blueberries retain more antioxidants than blueberries frozen or cooked.


Fresh cranberries range from bright to dark red. Blueberries are pale green and tart to eat raw too. A fresh blueberries, ripe recover. Unlike some fruits, blueberries do not ripen after they are taken. The Cranberries will keep for up to two months in the refrigerator. Depending on blueberries and taste, you may want to sweeten fresh blueberries, raw. Some raw cranberries are extremely tart.


A 1/2-cup serving of blueberries contains 20 calories with 6 g carbohydrate, 2 g sugar, 2 g fiber, protein zero, zero fat, zero sodium and 10 percent of your daily value of vitamin C on the based on a 2000 calorie diet, according to the fruit and vegetable matter. Preliminary research indicates that blueberries may help prevent ulcers, reduce bacteria that contribute to urinary tract infections, lower bad cholesterol, prevent tooth decay and inhibit the growth of cancer, although more research is needed, according with the University of Maryland Medical Center.


Fresh blueberries, raw add color to salads and entrees. Their joint use of a green salad, mixing them into a paste or rice salad, or cut them to blend into chicken salad, tuna or sauce increases the fiber and nutritional value of the dish. Raw Blueberries also serve as garnish for cold drinks, such as lemonade, iced tea and sparkling water, and to decorate desserts. Add fresh cranberries cooked to trail mix, smoothies, mix with cream cheese low fat or cut to mix with yogurt offer convenient ways to enjoy the health benefits of fresh blueberries.


Cranberries contain pectin, a soluble fiber that promotes regularity and helps hunger. Purchase organic blueberries offers the advantage of nutritious berries without pesticides. Bilberry may interfere with warfarin, an anticoagulant drug, based on the preliminary investigation. People taking warfarin should limit consumption of cranberry, the University of Maryland Medical Center, says. The center suggests that consuming 1.5 ounces of fresh blueberries for health benefits.

Why eat fresh fruit salad? - Eating a balanced diet can be challenging

Why eat fresh fruit salad. Eating a balanced diet can be challenging, especially if you are busy or you like to eat processed foods. 
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However, a balance of healthy foods provide essential nutrients you need. 
Fresh fruit salad can expand the variety you get from your food. Eating fruit salad as part of a nutritious diet in general, and talk to a dietitian for help in planning meals.

Weight Control

Fresh fruit salad can help you lose weight or prevent weight gain, as it is relatively low in calories, with about 60 to 80 calories per cup of berries, apple slices or cut melon. Reduce your calorie intake by eating fresh fruit salad instead of high calorie desserts such as pies, cakes and ice cream. You can make a salad with fresh fruit is not, but may be less nutritious. Canned and frozen may contain added sugar. Dried fruits, while rich in fiber and potassium, not so good for weight loss because it is high in calories.

Promoting heart health

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of heart disease, according to the Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center. Fresh fruit salad is especially useful for increasing your intake if you do not like alternatives such as salads, cooked vegetables or fruit lessons themselves. Some healthy for the heart, cholesterol-lowering components of fresh fruit salad may include dietary fiber and lignans. These phytonutrients in a wide range of fruits such as pears, apples, strawberries and apricots.

Improve nutrient intake

Hypertension is a risk factor for heart disease, kidney disease and stroke. Fresh fruit salad can help lower blood pressure and maintain a healthy blood pressure, because most fruits are rich in potassium and low in sodium. Fresh fruit salad provides other essential nutrients, such as vitamin C in citrus fruits, strawberries and kiwi and vitamin A of mangoes and melons.

Other reasons

A good reason to eat fresh fruit salad is that it is a healthy treat to serve at parties or family get-togethers or for help. If you have children, making a fresh fruit salad with them can be a good way to introduce them to food preparation, which does not involve cooking, which could result in burns, and it is important to accurately measure the amounts of ingredients. With a fresh fruit salad, children can learn that healthy foods are interesting and delicious.

Are there medicines that interact with the consumption of fresh pineapple?

With its slightly sweet flavor and sour taste, the pineapple is a nutritious snack full of vitamin C. The aromatic fruit can be threaded on a skewer fruit, mixed into a smoothie or grilled and is used to overcome an exquisite dessert. But if you are taking certain medications, have to be a little careful about how much you eat pineapple.Certain drugs and medications can interact with the enzyme bromelain in fresh pineapple.


Fresh pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which is commonly used for medicinal purposes.The National Library of Medicine explains that the enzyme bromelain causes the body to produce specific substances that fight inflammation. The enzyme also contains specific chemicals to retard tumor cell growth. It has been used as a treatment for arthritis, muscle pain, inflammation, ulcerative colitis and inflammation after injury.

Drug interaction

Fresh pineapple should not be combined with amoxicillin or tetracycline antibiotics. When fresh pineapple combined with these types of drugs may increase the amount of drug absorbed by the body. In this case, it may increase the side effects of medications. Bromelain also affects the body's ability to blood clotting. When combined with drugs that slow or prevent blood clots, such as treatment with anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents can significantly increase the risk of bleeding or bruising. The University of Maryland Medical Center also explains that the enzyme bromelain may increase the effects of sedative drugs, such as anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and alcohol.

Other side effects

Generally, eating fresh pineapple not cause any adverse side effects, however, eat lots of fruit may occasionally cause nausea, diarrhea, rash and vomiting. You might also notice swelling or tenderness in the mouth, cheeks and tongue. Fresh pineapple can also cause an allergic reaction in people allergic to wheat, celery, carrots, pollen, fennel, ragweed, chrysanthemums and daisies. It is also important to note that ripe pineapple is extremely toxic; eating can cause severe vomiting and excessive.


Women who are pregnant should avoid eating large amounts of pineapple. Although more research is needed to determine the exact correlation, it is believed that bromelain may stimulate contractions, potentially increasing the risk of miscarriage. And because bromelain affects the ability of blood to clot or coagulate, avoid consuming large amounts of pineapple in the two weeks prior to any surgery or invasive medical procedure. Also avoid bromelain if you are taking blood-thinning medications for high blood pressure. The combination of thin blood with anticoagulant properties of bromelain may lead to coagulation disorder. In addition, large amounts of pineapple should be avoided in patients with liver or kidney disease, since many of the clotting factors in the blood are produced by these organs.


What are the benefits of eating fresh red seedless grapes?

Red seedless grapes come in a number of varieties, including Flame, Crimson and blush. When choosing fresh grapes, make sure they are firm and plump, pretty well grouped and firmly to their offspring. Not soft, shriveled or sticky or have brown spots on them. Fresh red seedless grapes can be kept for several days in the refrigerator.Grapes are a gold mine of health, packing a solid dose of nutrients in a very low-calorie package.

Vitamins and Minerals

According to the U.S. Department database of nutrient in agriculture, seedless grapes red and green contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium as well as vitamins A, B6, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid , riboflavin and folic acid.Just one cup of fresh red seedless grapes is 15 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C.

Antioxidant Properties

Vitamin C and selenium are among a number of nutrients found in grapes containing antioxidant properties. Flavonoids are another. Quercetin, a part of the chemical compound that gives the red grape skin color, is a flavonoid. Antioxidants help the body fight the effects of free radicals, byproducts of the digestive processes or pollution. An excess of free radicals can cause oxidative stress and cell damage that can lead to chronic health problems, according to nutritionists Welch.

Heart Health

The fresh grape skin red contains the chemical resveratrol, which studies show helps reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream. Resveratrol also maintain healthy blood flow through arteries, keeping blood fats sticking to the artery walls. This protects against cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack or stroke.

Low in calories

A half cup of fresh seedless red grapes is fat free and only 60 calories. Grapes have no sodium, so they are a good snack option for people with high blood pressure. Eat whole grapes, including the skin, is a better option than drinking grape juice for those watching their weight. The juices tend to have more energy per unit and less filler than the whole fruit, which has more fiber, making it more satisfactory.

The effects of eating a fresh leaf bay

Bay leaves, which grow in the sweet bay or laurel tree, were used in ancient Rome for laurel wreaths. Today, bay leaf is more often as a flavoring agent in stews or soups on someone's head. Contrary to popular belief, bay leaves, fresh or dried, are not poisonous, according to Marissa Ponikowski of the Food Network Canada, but can have unpleasant effects if eaten.


Bay leaves have a bitter taste, sharp, sharp.Laurel leaf or Laurus nobilis, is the only member of the family of laurel plant is edible, it is more likely that the idea that the laurel leaves are also poisonous wine. Plants with similar names, such as cherry, English, mountain laurel and sheep are poisonous, according to Union County College.


Bay leaves are very strong and have a woody stem. The edges of the sheet is quite strong and do not break during cooking. If you eat the bay leaf, fresh or dried, the rough edges could cut your mouth or throat. If you swallow a fresh leaf, dried or cooked bay, that could get stuck in the throat, as bay leaves are very hard to chew. Remove the bay leaf in the end of cooking not only to avoid a choking hazard, but also to maintain the strong flavor to dominate your plate.

Medicinal Uses

The bay is used as a treatment herbal remedies for stomach ailments and as an aid to digestion, claims herbal Monadnock Society.


For a spice used to season many dishes, bay leaves have an undeserved reputation frightening.While fresh bay leaves are hard to find, according to Ponikowski, specialty food shops could lead to late summer and fall. Do not eat the bay leaves from trees unless you are sure that what you have is Nobilus Laurel, since other types of laurel can be poisonous. If you are not positive what kind of tree you have, take a branch to a nursery or arborist for verification. It is safer to buy bay leaves in the store, if possible, of the University of Florida recommends.


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