Natural products for prostate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate, is a common condition among older men. According to the Merck Manual of Geriatrics, this condition affects 50 percent of men 50 years of age and 80 percent of men 80 years of age. BPH can cause outlet obstruction of the bladder with symptoms related to decreased flow of urine, increased urinary frequency and urgency. Because it can indicate a more serious condition, it is advisable to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, if you have these symptoms. There are a number of natural products that can help maintain a healthy prostate.

Saw Palmetto

Supplements based on the fruits of saw palmetto Serenoa repens, or saw palmetto, have a long history of use for the treatment of BPH. There have been a number of large studies to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this supplement. While the results of these studies are somewhat inconsistent, a comprehensive review of the literature published in January 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that there was good evidence of safety and effectiveness of this supplement for BPH.

Amino Acids

Although the exact mechanism is not clear, studies have shown that supplementation of L-amino acids namely glutamate, L-alanine and glycine can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of BPH.Most men in these studies experienced an improvement in urine flow, decreased urinary frequency and less urinary retention. The use of amino acids for BPH is described in more detail in the book of Melvin Werbach, the nutritional influences disease.


Much of zinc is stored in the prostate and present in the secretions of the prostate. This together with the fact that many aging men do not consume enough zinc in your diet, contributes to the notion that zinc supplementation could be useful to maintain prostate health. The daily supplementation of 150 mg of zinc from 2 to 4 months may be sufficient to compensate the low dietary intake.


Selenium is also thought to be an important nutrient for prostate health. Many of us do not get enough selenium in the diet. Some nuts (Brazil nuts, walnuts) are good sources of selenium. Tuna is also a good source. Taking a supplement is also an option to ensure adequate intake of this nutrient.

Essential Fatty Acids

The body can not make or convert some fatty acids. These essential fatty acids must be obtained in the diet. Some of the essential oils that are believed to improve prostate health are present in flax seeds and flax seed oil. Working ground flaxseed in recipes is an easy way to increase the intake of these fatty acids.

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