What are the benefits of eating fresh fruit?

Fresh fruits are essential in any healthy diet because they contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that help maintain the proper functioning of the body and protect against disease. Fresh fruits retain their nutrients better than cooked or processed fruits, juices and removes the valuable fiber. Supplements are not as effective as whole fresh fruits to provide health benefits and boost the nutrients in fruits work together in synergy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends eating a variety of fruits each day to ensure the consumption of a wide range of nutrients.

Avoid gaps

Consuming the recommended four to six servings of fruit a day can help prevent many common vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Citrus and strawberries can provide vitamin C and prevent scurvy. A diet deficient in vitamin B3, also known as niacin, can cause a disease called pellagra.Niacin is found in raspberries and melon. Folate from strawberries, raspberries and grapefruit can help prevent spina bifida birth defects when taken during pregnancy.

Cancer Prevention

According to the USDA, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of many cancers, including colorectal cancer, mouth and stomach. The fruit fiber aids in prevention of colorectal cancer by maintaining digestive tract health. Antioxidants provides the vitamins and phytochemicals like carotenoids and flavonoids help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals that can lead to cancer.

Chronic Disease Prevention

A high intake of fruits and vegetables correlates with decreased risk of a number of chronic diseases. The fiber and nutrients in fruits can help maintain heart health and prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke. The potassium in bananas, plums and melons can help reduce the risk of developing kidney stones, can lower blood pressure and may increase bone strength.Fruits rich in vitamin C and carotenoids protect against macular degeneration and age-related cataracts. Fruit consumption may also help control blood sugar, helping to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Weight Control

The fruit can increase weight loss, providing the fiber and water that makes the dieter feel full.The low levels of fat in most fruits also contribute to weight loss. Because the fruit tends to be sweet, dieters often choose to replace a healthy piece of fruit instead of a sugary dessert or snack. A medium apple or a cup of blueberries or grapes is less than 100 calories. Frequent use of this substitution technique can help reduce total calorie intake daily, while Dieter feel deprived.

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